Thursday, November 29, 2012

"I Don't Know Where I'm Going, But I'm On My Way."

These Four Five pieces I've been wearing heavily! I'm over the top in love with these coated J-Brands as well as the Sweetlife Beanie, Zara cowboy booties and Unif cut-out shoulder top. Perfect Cold Weather Casual attire. 

Winter is quickly approaching and life seems to be flying by. September-January is always a BUSY BUSY time for me, but I've come to realize I need to set priorities straight. I love to blog, I breathe fashion, and wouldn't have it any other way: therefore posting will happen WAY more often then not...promise! 

I'm on the road to where I want to be even though I may not know where that is at the moment,I'm going to keep trying and quit worrying about where I am now. 

Wow, FOOD FOR THOUGHT! Thought I'd share a little on how I'm feeling today! Enjoy this little post and Stay tuned. Xx  